Colorado Summer Camps
Happy Camper & Parent Testimonials
"I would like to thank you for what you have given to Max. A wonderful summer -a sense of belonging, a family- shall I go on? He came home loved, tanned, bruised, happy and proud. Proud of himself -how can I thank you for that?"
Martha V., New York, NY
“I know you've heard it a million times over, but I have to tell the world about how passionate I feel about (the adventure program) because it ROCKED my world. To put it in the most simple terms, this was the onset of a major shift in my life from a self-absorbed, lazy, aspiration lacking punk, to a much more confident, mature, grateful, and awakened young adult. Eventually, it inspired me to study Natural Resources Recreation and Tourism at Colorado State University with a focus in environmental communication. Because of my camp experiences, I too desire to inspire young people in the outdoors while teaching them about environmental conservation.”
Courtney G., Steamboat Springs, CO
"Thank you for giving Kristin a summer she will never forget. By the time she returned she was convinced that I had given her the most wonderful gift that could be given! I knew that Kristin would thank me eventually, but I had no idea that her 4 weeks there would be so 'totally awesome'!"
Ann B., Denver, CO
"This was a pivotal experience for me. I remain an avid hiker and backpacker, returning to the West at least annually to explore. The cultivation of my relationship with the natural world has shaped my work and recreation. I am forever grateful for your having developed and exposed us all to the gifts of the mountains and wilderness."
Delia K., Mont Vernon, NH
"Camp changed my life in so many ways! I ended up going to the college that my counselors went to and my daughter's name is "Gilpin" - yes, after Gilpin Lake in the Mt. Zirkel wilderness! Your camp is the most special place."
Jennie S., Clayton, MO
"I sent my oldest and sometimes dearest off to a camp that I knew very little about, but with a good gut feeling. He returned to me a changed person. I am sure you hear this all the time about your campers. But I must tell you, the changes are not just because he learned how to climb a mountain and cross a river. They are about how he feels about himself and the world around him. About the way his peers and counselors helped him grow and understand himself and others. This was a life changing time for this kid, and we all know how hard these years can be. I cannot thank you all enough for helping him affirm a 'path' that is right. In a perfect world, we would all live in a place that feels this good!"